
Thursday, November 29, 2012

fluvial process

This is the explanationon what we have seen and we make some study on what is the fluvial process is.


Truncated bends

·         Combined process of erosion, transport, and deposition causes become increasingly wide bends until the formation of bends truncated.
·         Erosion process, especially how active hydraulic erosion occurred on the banks of river bends concave, while the deposition process was actively going on convex banks of river bends.
·         Active erosion processes occurring on the banks of the biconcave shape of bends will eventually bends connected truncated.
·         Most of the water will now flow directly, while in the original amount of the flow decreases bends, forming a horseshoe lake.



Horseshoe lake

·         Horseshoe lake formation occurs in three stages.
·         Stage 1 - Erosion occurs with vigor on the outer river bends while deposition occurred on the banks of the river bends. Outside of bends erosion and sedimentation in river bends causing both arc bends closer together.
·         Stage 2 - The two curves meet and flowing water.
·         Stage 3 - continuous deposition forming separate river bends of the new river channel. Original river bends apart from the new grooves will form a truncated bends and became a lake known as horseshoe lake.



·         A waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks.
·         Formed on the upper river with rock layers arranged in horizontal and alternated between hard rock and soft rock.
·         Soft rock layers are more easily eroded than hard rock.
·         Hard rock layer that resists corrosion will be missed, thus preventing the flow of water forming waterfalls.

River rapids

·         Formed in the upper reaches of the river have stacks of soft rock and hard rock alternately arranged vertically or almost vertically.
·         An active river erosion on soft rock cause corrosion resistant hard rock would extruded upwards.
·         As a result the flow of river water flow is inhibited then lope down the hard bumps.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Waiting 4 u

Klw ada jdoh xkmana aehh..
I just wish..u'll b alrite..i just cant leave u like tht..u're in trouble..n now.i hope u will b alrite..
klw ada jdoh xkmana..igt p lahh how sweet u i still make my heart belief that u r not 4 me..i'll be fine..just live ur life..focus on what u r doin now..chllnge come.accept!there is no turning back..dun worry bout me..i'm jus fine..
i will wait 4 u..but.u must help urself 1st..don forgt ur god.famly..they are very importnt..
if there r any problems.jus keep in touch.i will ur fren.i will.promise.remember dont ever trust anyone.include me..just believe in urself..keep ur faith..=)
watever it is.i still love u..but not more than a ur best.dont ever giv up..

Monday, November 5, 2012


             cuti nie...mmg staii...i thought nk buwat mcm laen dh la ni..hahha,,,jd babysitter kt uma jga kezen,.hahah...sumpah staii..qasa mcm dh bule kawenn..hhahaa,,tp qasa gk mcm bibik..apa xnya...basuh bju lah aq.masak la aq,kmas quma pon aq...hahha...tgking2 bdk2 nie pon ada...nmpak gaya bule jd mak dh nie..bila nk kawen xtaw, ni sbnqnyaa exprience..pahala pon dpt..tlg org hrp..xlma sgtlaa.sbb bkk2 ada test remote sensing..esaimen byk g pon xphm..bla la aq nk qajenn..qeja umam bule wat lakk..esaimen yg blambakl uh xbule nk buwat,,,
        cita psai kena wat psai tokoh n journall..bahii..kan komen mmg aq komen journal yg oqg hbtbuwat mmg susa..mati akai la tokoh aq kena wat psai sidek baba..naaa...soeone kna tlg bg info..hee,,opkos la aq cari my mom..hahhaha..

       i just hope i can do the best...=)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

love story : let bygone b bygone

Haa..nie plg scary nk citaa..hahhaa..
Tym skola dlu ada jaa aq admire someone..n dy pon myb ada krisis..sllh fhm ckett..msa uh tym bsday..dy yg slh fhm dgn aq..n then..ktorg xbtego lgsg..nth.myb igt tym uh cinta monyet kot..msg2 wt hal msg2..n i just need answer from him..knpa tba2 xtego..ktorg ada xtego.sbb maluu..hah..dh 8 thun kott..mna mgkn..haha..seyesly..i just waitg for pkiaq blekk..myb 1 day ktorg akn jmpa..n akn tw cita yg btoyy..
   at dpat tw..sbb dy heavy jeles..hhaha.oke hmmm..hard to accpt back.tkt banana fruit to times..hahhaha..skli dy tggai xbmkna dy xtggai dh an..
Klw ada jdoh xkmna nk fokus kt apa yg ptt..nk kna fulfill wish mak aq dluu..tu yg klw jdoh nk mai awai ponn oke jgkk..hahahh..
  right now..focus eva.focus..gdlck.!!thumbs up..!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Problem is an Opportunity

    Hmmm...masalah adalah phm ja bnda alah xtw nk trg kt org cmna...heee...
actually prob yg ada adlh pluang tok kta n org laen...neh aq blajaq dri someone laaa...very importnt prson for me...dy byk ajaq aq psl life nk cita psl mslh uh..bkn psl org niee...hee...

actually, mslh yg kta hdpi nie bknyya mslh yg prlu kita pk smpai tnsion.. ada ja manusia yg pk mslh nie smpai naek abes yrat2 dorg yg lma tsmpn..hmm,..tu bhya uh...kdg2 bule bwk ke arah bnda yg bkn2..ada ja mnusia yg nk lps mslh nie dgn bwt bnda yg bkn2..hmm..xkn xtw kot...stip kli orntasi ja msti ada phk2 yg tnjuk psl tnsion nie..

oke2 dh2..sbnrnya kta jgn pk sgt mslh bule, tp jgn mlampau sgt..nk rgnkan mslh ofkos laa cri Tuhan..then jgn lpa byk bkwn...mmd ada kwn sng.ada kwn klw kta sllu gtw sgt mslh kita...mgkin buleh bbnkan kwn kita uh..then...ada byk kwn..stiap kwn uh..ada naluri msg2..then kta bule dpt byk pndpt... mksd aq prob tu oppurtunity ne sbnrnya...kta da mslh kita cita...mslh kita adalh pluang tok org laen..mslh nie pluang tok kita brubh..pluang tok kita dktkn dri dgn org laenn..hmm..tu lah yg aq mksdkan...heee...
oke. Kita amik cntoh laen lak. Ktaknlah jln rosak..means tht, jln tu prlu dprbaiki..then.what we need..? ofkos laa org yg wt jln kann...haaa,,,xkah tu bule mndtgkan pluang tok dorg bkerja..dpt gk dwett..kan3..??

tu lah yg aq mksdkan..hmm...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

what u give u get back =)

       ari niiee aq nk cte pasal bnda alah niee...klw kita nk org lyn kita dgn baek,,make sure kita lyn org tu pon dgn cre yg baekk..hmm...skg kn dh plekk..mcm2 bnda bule jd..
    actually bnda n ie dh kta ja yg bru pasan...ape yg kite wat kt org.akn dpt kt kita blekk..even gosip pon...kita bkn tau..ape yg kita gosip psl someone uhh sbnrnyee dy pon tgh gosip psl kn dah pndai blakon skrg...hmm..depan baekk jee...ble blkg..dy lah kwan TERBAEK kita...hahhaa...
      aq ade pglmn psal aq cte psal yg cintan2 lah yee...sng cket nk phm..klw yg bosan2 susa laahh orng nk phmm...manusia kn dh plek skg..even aq pon plekk...hehhe..=p
"adalahh mbe aq niee...dy sllu ckp dy xska kapel yg sllu repot smthg kt bf/gf dy..jus nyusahkan...kawen pon belom..dh maen repot2...dh soh manelaa..wt ape dh syg an...g mna pon repot jgk...sbb apa...sbb kita hormat dy yg speciall kn...hahaha..n now.n then.hahaha,,,dy adelah sorg yg sgt suka repot smthg kt gf dy...hahahaha...bkn aq nk actually nie bnda btoll...tlgla trima..then, btol lah...WHAT U GIVE.U GET BACK.!
    pendapat aq la kann..klw nk ckp uh pk dlu...xsmua yg kta ckp uh kita akn dpt klw kita nk org hormt kita...kita kna hormat org tu dulu..heheh..mcm nk snyum kt strangers laahhh...kita kna stat dlu...bwu   dy nk bg...klw kita senyum.kita dpt senyum...klw kita masam..kita dpt masam laaahhh..


Monday, May 23, 2011

A Glass of Milk

One day, a poor boy was selling goods from door to door, to pay for his education realized that he only had ten cents left in his pockets.
He was hungry and so decided to ask for some food at the next house that he came to.
In the meantime he lost his hunger when a beautiful young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal, he asked her for a glass of water. 
She saw that he was very hungry so instead brought him a huge glass of milk.
He drank it very slowly and then asked- « How much do I owe you? »
-          « You do not owe me anything at all », she replied:- « My mother taught us never to accept anything for doing someone a  kindness».
-          He replied : « Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart ».
-          When Howard Kelly  left the house, as well as feeling stronger physically, he sensed a return of his faith in the lord which he had nearly abandoned.
-          Years later, this same young woman fell gravely ill.
-          The local doctors were mystified, so they sent her to the big city where they knew that the specialists would be able to diagnose this rare sickness.
-          Doctor Howard Kelly was called as a consultant.
-          When he heard the name of the city where she lived, a memory burned brightly in his eyes.
-          From that day on,he paid special attention to this case.
-          After a long battle, the war was finally won
-          Doctor Kelly left instructions that the bill should be sent to him for  authorization.
-          He  looked it over, wrote something in the margin, and sent it to her room.
-          She thought that when she opened the envelope  she would find an invoice that would take the rest of her life to pay in full. But when she finally opened it.
Something caught her attention in the margin of the invoice
She read these words: Paid in full with a glass of milk : Doctor Howard Kelly
Tears of joy filled her eyes and her heart. She prayed :« Thank you lord, for your love has crossed the hands and hearts of man ».
There is a saying that goes like this:
Bread thrown over the water returns to you.
An act of goodness that you do today can come back to  you or someone that you love, when you are not expecting it.
 If you do not see this act of goodness returned, at least you will have made a difference in this world. And in the end, isn’t that what life is all about?
The hardest lesson in life, is to know which bridges to cross, and which to burn...
Many people pass through our lives but only real friends  leave their imprint in our hearts..